What is causing your pain?
Pain effects MORE Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined!
Pain – 76.2 million people, National Centers for Health Statistics
Diabetes – 20.8 million people, American Diabetes Association Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke – 18.7 million people, American Heart Association Cancer – 1.4 million people, American Cancer Society Our present way of treating PAIN is not working. Pain of any type is the most frequent reason for physician consultation in the United States, prompting half of all Americans to seek medical care annually. In 80% of cases the cause of pain cannot be established Quebec Task Force on Spinal Disorders: Spine 1987; 12:S1-S59 85% of pain patients lack a specific diagnosis. Deyo et al: JAMA 1992;268:760-765 |
A good diagnosis is the first step to a GREAT treatment!